Saturday, October 8, 2022

Why Relationships doesn`t last?

Neptune Barman

In our life we meet various faces and only few among them lasts as the time pass. We often find a reason to blame them for not being loyal to us but have we ever thought if we were loyal to them. It takes a lot of energy, time and emotions to build a relationship but it takes only a second to break it. I think the energy we put in building relationships is not equivalent to the energy we invest to keep it alive. The fact is the moment we have a relationship, we often give birth to expectations and definitely the opposite ones does the same. Relationship is just like the oil and water and we often put our energy in mixing up both of these meaninglessly instead we could have put some energy to balance it so that the oil and water can flow smoothly. None in this world is perfect for us until we find the equilibrium state of adjustment in a relationship. No matter if it`s business relationship, personal relationship or any other, it follows the same principal. In my life i have met various faces and lost most of them.


Following the social behavior i was tend to believe that the relationships ended because the opposite were not loyal to me. I think the same might have been the situation for them towards me. So, i think building relationships and ending up blaming each other is not the solution for a healthy society. If we will look at the social behavior of villages less affected by westernization, we will definitely find childish behavior among the villagers, of fighting a day and joining up the another day. We often criticize looking at the people of villages that they neither have any self respect since they fight a day and join another day and mark it as a childish behavior but have we missed something. If we analyze the social behavior of city and a village, we will definitely find village to be much more healthy socially than any cities because of the unity among the people. Its always have been this unity that has shaped a society and a nation too. Also if we talk about healthy Geo social behavior than its very necessary. It can be observed that a force or an idea has been put in the veins of the social system to keep the people divided from each other. Specially talking about our nation, our culture has been known for it`s unity in diversity but diversity starts from the moment of creation or birth. As the science says that none of the people is identical with different pattern of DNA similarly it`s easy to find differences among two things or beings and than divide them. Dividing is not a healthy practice for the social system and neither building a new home, new boundaries, new state or nation is a solution for a better livelihood. Being a human we are a social animal dependent upon the social behavior. So, i think much more effort on developing the social behavior is necessary for a better society.


 It can be observed that the process of division is easy but the process of union has been tough. As a human we have a tendency to find new kind of relationships without caring about if we can keep it alive. The base of social behavior starts at home from family. We can see that even a family can`t stand together as the time passes leading to birth of of a new root of family killing the old family tree. This is the reason our nation has lost its base root of the entire society. We find ourselves divided and alone most of the time but without looking back we tend to move forward building new relationships thinking to be the solution of the problem. But the solution lies back in the time. Population has been increasing in the society with entry of new faces in our life but it does not make any sense until we learn to keep the relationships alive, since new families, new friend circles are born but we are not yet mature enough to handle something we created loosing the base root of our own family tree. Relationships are not created by god but by us and it`s our responsibility to handle it. This entire process is just dividing the society and most of us have not looked into this issue. We often see few people as our world and rest as the garbage in our life but life does not work by choosing the right people around instead learning to sacrifice the ego and adjust to the social system around. We often find ourselves lonely in this vast world tired of building relationships and ending up broken. The problem lies within us not with the world, as a human we first need to understand the human system and how it works. Relationship is not about fulfilling your needs but its about adjusting with an another diverse being on the path of life. The decision is yours, either you choose to walk alone or walk with someone but remember you will never find a right person for you in your entire life since everyone is diverse in nature and none is identical. 


The force or idea that acts in our mind directly affects the social system around us so i think we need to change our idea or way of thinking about relationships. I have said several times, its easy to break a relationship but it takes a whole lot of time and energy to build it. I am tired of loosing people around me and so think you too, this is leading us to a divided society that weakens the social system and the nation too. Various organizations and NGO s are working on uniting the class, religion, caste of the nation but i think its necessary to unite a family too. There are diverse ideas in family too from person to person, so instead to establishing each others idea we can have a mutual understanding and adjust to protect any relationships starting from the family.

Neptune Barman / Author & Editor

Neptune Barman is the author of the best seller, The Diary of a Teenager, out from Notion Press (2020), and The Life Behind the Bars (2021). He is two times featured poet in The Year of the Poet-INNER CHILD PRESS, USA. He has been writing poems since his childhood. He claims his life to be the inspiration to frame the words to poetry. He has also written books based on his own life. His poems have inspired thousands out there and documentaries and short films are produced based on his poems. He is a man of few words but love to put his feelings and experiences in notebook. He says life is once but if we live right once is enough.


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